Sunday, 27 July 2014

Cross country information

The cross country is to be held in week 3 - 6th August. It will begin at approx 1pm

All children need to wear school sports uniform. Children who have a school tracksuit at home need to wear these over top of their sport uniform. They may wear this to school instead of their school uniform. If your child does not have a school tracksuit they may wear appropriate sports gear. Please bring a drink bottle some extra snacks and lots of warm clothing on this day.

Children will walk back to school with their teachers at the conclusion of the races. If parents wish to take their children home directly from the cross country, please bring a note prior the event.

The track will be the same as last year as long as the conditions are good. The children will be starting and finishing on the Rail Trail just over the Railway Bridge where we started and finished last year. Please park in the car park to your left directly across the Railway Bridge. The school will be congregating and sitting just along from here.

If you are able to help with marshalling please let Miss Passmore or Mrs Beilby  know ASAP.

Thanks :)

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Term 3 -- Week 2

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and have been able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine!

We had a great week last week catching up with everyone and hearing some awesome holiday stories. It sounds as though you all had a nice break.

This big event for this week is interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday. These are three way interviews so your child needs to attend these with you.
 If you still haven't made a time, please do so as soon as possible. At this stage there are 5 of you that have not made an appointment. If none of the times that are left suit you, please email me and we can arrange a time on another day. The website is and the booking code is: BJWN4

Cross country training is well underway. Everyone is looking great in their tracksuits and it certainly makes things a lot easier. Remember these can be worn all of week 2 and the beginning of week 3. The cross country will be held on Wednesday 6th August (week 3). Please encourage your child to run at home to help build up their fitness level. It's important that they enjoy running the cross country.

This week the children need to be completing their projects on the Commonwealth Games. These will be presented on Friday.
Spelling will begin this week. Some children have new levels due to their results after testing last week. In some cases some children will be having the same words that they have had earlier in the year. This is ok as they are learning about spelling patterns as well as learning individual words.
Maths - basic facts worksheet
Reading - either set reading from me or a book from home.  

Have a great week, see you at interviews.

Jo :)

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Term 3 - Week 1

Welcome back!!

I hope you all had a wonderful break! We now have 27 children in Room 5! Olly Lyon has returned to St Gerard's which is awesome, we are excited to have him with us. 

Term 3 is going to be full on with cross country, skipping, swimming, speeches and of course the musical near the end of the term. 

This week is going to be nice and quiet which will be a nice way to ease back into school!!! :)

Monday - Kapa Haka 
Tuesday - Mrs Donaldson teaching - Release day for me
Friday - Assembly 2.10, no 12pm mass this week.

Interviews are next week, please make sure you get in early to book your interview time. These will be mainly to look at your child's report that you would have received during the holidays.

Homework this week - maths, reading and a project to complete over the next two weeks. there is no spelling homework as we will be doing testing in class to establish new levels.

Hopefully you've all been in touch with Selena regarding camp fundraising. If you did not receive this notice on the last day of term, please let me know and I will send another one home today. :) During the holidays I booked accommodation at the Ranfurly Holiday Park so the camp dates will be Tuesday 2nd Dec - Thursday 4th Dec. More camp information will go out in the next few weeks.

If you have any questions please get in touch me. :)

Have a great week!
