Wednesday, 29 October 2014

help this Sunday


There is still a quantity of wood at Duncan Anderson's place that he wants removed asap.  Marty Rendall is having a working bee this Sunday at 12 to attend to this, but needs people to help him remove as much as possible to use as future fundraising.

Please phone Marty on 4486146 or 0275 071565

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Week 2 Term 4

Wow what an awesome week we had last week!! The musical was amazing, all of the hard work paid off! I hope you all managed to get along and see it. Thank you to all of you who helped out and thanks for encouraging and supporting your children to learn their lines and song words. :)

Sorry for the confusion - The days changed on Friday ..... Bikes are needed at school Today (Monday), Tuesday and Friday. The bike unit runs from 1.30-2.30.

Homework this week - Spelling, maths, reading which is all due in on Friday. There is also a project that is due in next Friday (31st Oct). This fortnights project is on an animal - preferably not a house pet, something that will require some research.

Athletics day is on Thursday - children need to wear their full sports uniforms and their tracksuits if it is cold. If you are able to help on Thursday please let me know ASAP.

There will be a short assembly on Friday from 2.30 to celebrate our awesome musical! We will also be attending mass at 12.

Next Tuesday we have some Dunstan High Food Tech students coming in to talk about healthy lunch box options. There is a chance they will take photos of childrens' lunch boxes and possibly some of the kids too. These photos are for project purposes however they may be used on their school 'food tech' website page and in the school newsletter. If you have a problem with this or would prefer your child to not be photographed please get in touch with me. :)

Next Monday is Labour Day - Please enjoy an extra day off to rest and relax!

Have a great week.


Thursday, 2 October 2014

Holidays post for Week 1 Term 4

Hi team,

I hope you're all having a great break and enjoying spending time with your kids! I'm posting this now as I am off on my Rarotonga adventure tomorrow and won't be back until the Sunday night before school goes back. If you need to contact me before then I'll try check my emails while I'm in Raro (if i can find time) so that'll be the easiest way of contacting me. :)

The first week back at school will be focused on the musical!! We will be running through the entire show on Monday and Tuesday at school and we will be down at the Theatre for most of the day on Wednesday and Thursday. I will be able to confirm the exact details after our staff meeting on Monday after school. 

It's really important that all children have their full costume at school on Monday please as we may ask them to put them on for photos for the programme.

After a busy musical based 4 days we decided we will need to get back into some normality on Friday. We will be attending Mass (led by Room 6) and we will have an assembly in the afternoon to celebrate the success of the musical. You're more than welcome to join us!

There will also be Kapa Haka on Monday at the usual time. 

Week 2: The children will all need their bikes at school for a Bike Unit run by Mr Milford on Tues, Wed and Friday afternoons. If you've got time over the holidays it would be a good idea to pump up the tyres and make sure the bikes are in good working order. Thursday (23rd) is Athletics day!! 

As you can see the first two weeks are crazy busy, so hopefully your children all get a chance to relax and have a bit of down time before the mad Term 4 begins! 

Thank you to all of those parents who have offered to help. It was fantastic that so many of you to offer to help in one way or another. At this stage there are 11 parents attending the whole camp, they are; Regan H, Claire C, Debbie B, Grant L, John S, Lindsay/Kendra B, Aaron S, Tyron (Snr), Tracie/Harry H, Grant C and Adele W. There will also be parents who are joining us for day trips. If your plans have changed please get in contact with me ASAP.

We are lucky enough to have been offered the use of two 8 seater vans (Thanks Jenny and Grant) and also two bike trailers (Thanks Shayne and Camille). With these two trailers it means we will fit 45 bikes on which is awesome! However we are probably still going to be short on seats, if you are able to lend/source a vehicle for us to use over the three days I would love to hear from you!

I have a super helper who is currently sorting out the food and doing a food budget for me. With all of the food and activities (Hayes Engineering, curling, a farm visit (potentially), mini golf, swimming and a visit to Monte Christo (if it's open) we are looking at the $150 mark.  I will get a confirmed camp cost out to you all in the first week of school as well as more information. 

I think that is all at this stage.

Enjoy the holidays!! :) See you on Monday 13th!
