Saturday, 29 November 2014

CAMP WEEK -- Week 8 Term 4

Hi guys,

Well the week has finally arrived!! Let's hope the wind has worn itself out over the weekend and we have three beautiful calm days for biking the Rail Trail.

The Plan:
Monday -- We will be doing our final preparations in class and going over camp rules and expectations and well as getting equipment ready for camp :) If your child did not bring in their scroggin/breakfast/chips could they please have it at school on Monday. If your child has medication this also needs to be handed to Miss Passmore on Monday.

Tuesday -- It would be great if children could be dropped at the Church Carpark with all of their gear at 8.15am. This should leave us enough time to get the vans packed up and have us on our bikes by 9am. To make things easier could children please keep their day packs with their bikes and put their 'camp' gear in a pile by the trailers. That way we hopefully won't pack any day packs into the trailer.

Thursday -- We are aiming to be back at school for a normal 3pm pick up. Bikes can be left in Room 5 over night. All I ask is that the children take them outside when they arrive on Friday so we can move in the classroom. Keep an eye on the blog as I will update it if we are going to be early/late.

Friday -- We have four parents coming on Friday. Could children please be at school by 9am and we will say prayer together and be ready to go by 9.30. Parents you have time to get a coffee before we start biking, if you think you'll need one :) 

             Lunch: Depending on what is left over from camp children may only need to bring a sandwich if we have lots of chips, muesli bars and baking left over. I will let the children know on Thursday whether they need a full packed lunch or just a sandwich for Friday.

              Pick up: I had originally said pick up will be from the pool by 3pm but I think it'll be easier if we bike back to school and be here for a 3pm pick up. This means we will get out of the pool around 2.30. If you are happy for your child to bike straight home from the pool can you please let me know by text, email or note. Hopefully this hasn't mucked up too many of your plans. If you have made other arrangements let me know and we can sort something out.

I have decided to allow ipods & ipads on camp to be used as cameras only. I would appreciate sim cards to be taken out and left at home. I have spoken to the children about the use of these, and my expectations are that they won't be needed at the camp so can be put away after biking. I will take no responsibility if ipods/ipads are damaged or stolen so please talk this through with your child. It if your decision if you allow your child to bring them on camp.

Fingers and toes crossed we have nice weather and I have everything organised!! :)

Have a great (quiet) week if you're going to be childfree! If you're coming on camp, rest up, we have a busy few days ahead! :)

Thanks heaps for all of your support!


Monday, 24 November 2014


Teeball and softball has been called off today due to the weather.


Sunday, 23 November 2014

Gear List for Camp

Hey team, 
A gear list incase you have misplaced your paper copy. :)

What to bring:
There will not be a bag check so please check this list and pack carefully. Each person needs to take the following items-
Sleeping bag, 2 towels, plastic bag with tea-towel, cup/mug (suitable for a hot drink), bowl, dinner plate, knife, fork and spoon, toilet gear (toothpaste supplied), pyjamas, 2 pairs shorts (or 1 pair plus bike pants), 3 pairs socks, 2 changes of undies, 2 pairs long pants (or 1 pair plus leggings), 2 tee-shirts preferably with collars to save sunburnt necks, 2 sweat shirts (or 1 sweatshirt & 1 merino), windproof/waterproof jacket, 2 pairs shoes, sunhat or cap, torch with new batteries, handkerchiefs/tissues, camera (optional), 1 pen/pencil in a plastic bag, coloured pencils (optional), an indoor game and a book.

Curling: The rink is going to be a cool 8°C so children are encouraged to have the following items; running shoes, gloves, warm jacket, warm socks and a hat. 

Any questions, please ask!!


Week 7 Term 4

Hey team,

I'm sure you are all enjoying seeing the sunshine! Hopefully it hangs around for camp in a weeks time!

Thanks to those of you who attended mass yesterday and supported the children who made their First Communion. It was great to see so many of you there. :)

On Friday this week we are having our Maori Cultural Day. There was a slight mix up last week but it's all go for Friday :) Children need to wear their sports uniforms and something warm (if it's cold). We will be collecting flax and learning some simple weaving techniques. 

Most of this week will be finishing off testing and preparing for camp. A reminder than camp food (chips, bars, scroggin, cereal) needs to be at school by Thursday so it can be checked off.

Please ensure you have paid for camp before we head away next Tuesday. If you have any questions about camp, please get in touch with me ASAP!
Camp meeting tonight at 7pm in Room 5 to go over specific details for camp. This is mostly for parents who are attending the Tues-Thurs part of the camp but anyone is welcome to come along.

Thanks to those of you who have donated a 'tin' toward the Christmas Hamper. If you haven't done this please do so before the end of this week.

I think that's it. Chances are I've forgotten something as there is a lot going on at the moment. So if you have any questions please get in touch with me.

Have a great week.


Sunday, 16 November 2014

Week 6 Term 4

Hi Team,

I hope you've had a great start to your week. 

Please ensure you have paid your camp money by Wednesday. Raffle cards for the Christmas hampers went home today. Just a reminder that a 'tin' needs to be donated to the raffle and needs to be left at the office.

This week:
I am on release tomorrow (Tuesday) and will be doing MORE testing to gather information for reports and National Standard data. Mrs Donaldson will be teaching in Room 5.

We may be having a Maori Cultural experience where we will be learning about flax weaving and the history behind why things are done. The plan is to go to a flax bush, bless it, cut it and bring it back to school to have fun with weaving. I am still waiting for confirmation but I will let the children know as soon as I know if it's going ahead. The children will need to wear their sports uniforms and tracksuits/something warm (if they've already handed their tracksuits in) on Thursday.

Dress up as a Saint/Inspiring person day. We will be having a 'Celebrate a Saint' assembly at 2.30 which will be led by Room 1&2. Children will also need to bring their sports gear to school as it's also a walk n wheels Promo day. Bikes/scooters need to be brought to school on Friday too please :)

First Holy Communion:
This weekend our school has a number of students celebrating their First Holy Communion. Father Pat has asked that we all do our best to attend Sunday Mass this week to support these children and their families. They have been preparing at Sunday liturgies, in class and at home. It would be great to see you all their supporting them on this milestone.

Homework --- Week 6 & 7

Bikes: Please ensure bikes are checked and ready for camp over the next two week; pump up tyres, check helmets fit properly. A quick trip to the bike shop wouldn’t hurt J

Eisteddfods: These will be presented in Week 9 (the Monday and Tuesday after camp). Please pick a song that you like and that you can present to the class. Make sure you know all of the words well. You will be scored on your introduction (5), pitch (5), dictation (5), suitability for the audience (5) and your preparation (5).  
You have two weeks and camp week to get your presentation ready.

Projects: We will be working on projects in class over the next few weeks in preparation for camp. Research can be done at home for homework to gather more information.

Camp: A gear list will go home in the next few days. You need to make sure you are starting to get organised so it’s not a mad rush the night before camp. 

I think that's all for now. Have a great week!

Jo :)

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Camp Meeting

There will be NO camp meeting this week due to some parents being away on the Room 6 camp. The initial time I set wasn't going to suit a lot of you anyway. If you could pencil Monday 24th November @ 7pm into your calendars for a camp meeting that would be awesome. If you live out of town I am happy to go over the information one day after school to save you doing a special trip into town. I will confirm this time on Friday.

I'm happy for this to be a meeting just for the parents who are attending camp, however if you are not coming on camp and feel you need to know more about what will be happening please feel free to come along. :)

I will post another blog with this weeks 'plan of attack' after our Staff Meeting tomorrow afternoon.


Monday, 10 November 2014

Week 5 Term 4

Hi team,

This week I had/have release on Monday and Tuesday to do testing for reports and National Standards. Carolyn Lyon is taking Room 5 for these two days.

On Thursday we are going down to the Thyme Festival to perform some of the musical songs. We will be having lunch down there as we watch the other Primary schools in the concert. The singing begins at 12 so come along and support us if you are able to. Hopefully the weather is nice to us :)

Homework this week:
Maths and spelling are due in on Friday. Projects are also due in on Friday - remember these are based on a Saint or an inspiring person. Please unsure your child is reading every night.

Camp is coming around very quickly. I would like to have a short camp meeting with the parents who are coming on camp on Thursday 20th at 3pm in Room 5. This is just to go over the plan for camp and to ensure everyone knows what they are doing. If you have any questions/concerns we will address them at this meeting - if you are not attending the camp, any concerns can be emailed to me and we will discuss them. I'm hoping the meeting will be finished by 3.30. If you can't attend this meeting please let me know ASAP and I can look at changing the day.

Please ensure payments are made by the 19th November. If you have fundraised and you have not yet received a letter with your final amount to pay, it will be with you in the next few days. :)

Friday of Camp:
If you are able to bike with us out to mini golf along the Rail Trail and then back in to the swimming pool for our last day of camp can you please get in contact with me by email or text. We will need approx 5 parent helpers for the day. We will aim to leave school about 9.30/10 on Friday and be at the pool just around 1.30. Remember children and bikes need to be picked up from the pool by 3.15 please.

I hope you all have a great week.


Sunday, 2 November 2014

C.O Athletics

The decision has been made early........ C.O Athletics will be on Thursday 6th as the forecast is looking better for later in the week. If you were down to help could you please let me know if you are still available to help on Thursday.

The following people said they were able to help on Thursday;
Philip Lord, Deb O'Neill, Michelle Healey, Carolyn Lyon, Maree Denniston, Savio Fonseca, Lisa Reilly, Kath Martin. Please let me know if your plans have changed.

Camille I know you can't do Thursday.  :)



Saturday, 1 November 2014

Week 4 Term 4 2014

Hi Team,

What a madly busy start to the term we've had. Finally Week 4 has rolled round and there is some normality setting in ..... but only for a short time!!

We had a great week last week and everyone enjoyed the visit from Pip and Harold. We learnt about the 'Brainy Bunch' and the importance of looking after these essential organs. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure we are getting enough sleep and eating a good breakfast to get us through the day. I'm sure you would've had some interesting conversations about this. 

This week:
Tuesday - C.O. Athletics day. The weather forecast is not looking too flash for Tuesday (Thursday is looking better at this stage). The decision will be made early on Tuesday morning (around 6am) and put on all of the local radio stations. I will also put it on the Room 5 class blog a soon as I hear from the organisers. Remember to take warm clothes! The rest of Room 5 and Room 6 who are not competing will be at school with Mr Yeoman.

Friday - Mass at 12 - led by Rooms 1&2. Assembly in the afternoon led by Room 3. We would love you to join us if you are able to.

Homework - Spelling lists, maths, reading and a project, which will be due in on 14th November. This fortnights project is going to link to our current R.E strand of the Communion of Saints.

Next week is going to be a 'testing week' as we need to gather as much data as possible to have our National Standards data to Trina in a few weeks time. I have two release days next week and will be doing maths and reading testing. Within the next couple of weeks there will be also be a writing assessment taking place across the senior syndicate. 

It's scary to think how fast the year is going!! There's so much to get done and the days seems to be flying by.

Please remember to get your camp money in so I'm able to pay a few of our bills early.

Hope you've all had a great weekend and you're ready to take on another week.

Jo :)