Sunday, 15 November 2015

Term 4 ~ Week 6

Hi everyone,

I hope you've all had an enjoyable weekend and are ready to take on another week. Hopefully you all enjoyed a delicious meal made by your Room 5 child this week. I've enjoyed hearing all about them!!

As you all have probably heard, I am off overseas as of April next year. I won't be teaching at school but may be lucky enough to get some relieving from time to time. 

This week is a relatively normal week for us which is nice :) We are visiting the dam on Wednesday at 10.15. We will be busing there and back (Thanks to the PTA). At this stage we have 1 parent helper who will be travelling with us to the dam. If you are interested in coming please let me know ASAP.
DAM VISIT - Children need to wear their sports uniforms with long pants and a long sleeved top (if you still have a tracksuit this is perfect). Children and adults also need to wear covered in shoes. These are requirements from the dam so please ensure these are met.

On Friday Room 5 are leading mass at 12.00, please join us if you are able to. Room 2 are leading the school in assembly on Friday at 2.10pm.

Sunday is our First Communion Mass. It would be great to see you all there supporting the children from our school who are making their First Communion.

This week there will be spelling, maths and reading homework as usual. It's also time for you to help your child to get ready for the final eisteddfod of the year - a song. The children will get more information about this during the week, but they will need to choose a song that is appropriate to present to the class (and potentially the school) and say a quick introduction about the song and why they chose it. Eisteddfods will be presented in class around the 3rd, 4th and 7th December. Eisteddfod assembly is on Thursday 10th December.

Next week - Festival of Cricket
All Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children will be attending an 8-aside cricket tournament in Alexandra on Tuesday 24th November. Children will need to be at school like normal by 9am so we can walk up to Molyneux Park for a 9.30 start. Children will need to ensure they have their full sports uniforms on and warm clothes as well as their hat and sunblock. 

If your child has a trophy/trophies at home for sports or eisteddfods, these need to be polished and returned to school ASAP as the prize giving assembly is coming around quickly. 

I Hope you all have a great week. 


Jo :)

Sunday, 1 November 2015


Central Otago Athletics are postponed until THURSDAY!!!

TONIGHT AT 5.45 at Central Cinema Wattie's Can's Film Festival.
You can attend The Minnon movie for a donation of a can of food.
The cans will be collected by the Salvation Army and Watties will match every can. These are handed out at Christmas time.

Thyme Festival
On Wednesday we will be leaving for lunch at the park at 11.40am. If you are able to walk down with us that would be great. The concert starts at 12pm. We are singing!!!

Week 4

Hey team,

What a crazy few weeks we've had. This week continues on with the busy, full on theme that this term seems to b full of. I hope you've all had a fantastic weekend and were all up at 5am this morning watching the All Blacks make history with a fantastic win! 

Remember tomorrow (Monday 2 Nov) we are going to hold a School Fair Mufti day where instead of bringing along a cold coin donation, each child needs to bring 1 item for the fair.  Please select from the following list.
- Mystery Bottle, or
- Grocery Item for Raffle, or
- Kitchen or Household Item for the White Elephant

We are heading to the cemetery at lunchtime for our 'All Souls' celebration at 1.30pm. If children could please bring along any flowers they would like to lay up at the cemetery that would be great!! They will have a chance to have a look around and find family members or people they may know.

Tuesday: I will be away with Mr Yeoman at the Central Athletics with most of Room 5 and 6. Mrs Lyon will be in with the children left at school. Central Otago competitor will need to be up at Molyneux Park by 9am please.

Wednesday: Thyme Festival performance down at the Thyme Festival (Pioneer Park) We will be going down as a whole school and having lunch down there. Please come and join us and watch the performances we have worked hard to perfect.

Thursday: Inquiry afternoon - this is the last session for us to produce products to sell at the fair. Please help your child to remember to bring in items they need.

Friday: Mass led by Room 6 and assembly led by Room 1. Please join us if you're able. Fridays assembly will be a chance for us to farewell Wayne Soper as he retires during the week.

Sunday: School fair. We will be working to complete our class project for the fair during the week when we get some spare time.

Homework: There will be maths (basic facts), spelling and a project (master chef) this week. Master chef projects will be presented in class on Friday 13th November.

That's all for this week!! I hope you have a great week and have a chance to come and join us for one of our many exciting things this week.


Jo :)

Thursday, 29 October 2015


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the school fair so far.  On Monday 2 Nov we are going to hold a School Fair Mufti day where instead  of bringing along a cold coin donation, each child brings 1 item for the fair.  Please select from the following list.
- Mystery Bottle, or
- Grocery Item for Raffle, or
- Kitchen or Household Item for the White Elephant

With Regards
School Fair Committee

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Black out day FRIDAY

Tomorrow we are having a black out day to support The All Blacks as the get ready to take on Australia in the world cup rugby final.
Children are welcome to wear black to show their support.
Children are also welcome to wear their uniforms if they do not wish to wear black.
Go the All Blacks

Monday, 26 October 2015

Athletics Bus Children

Athletics day tomorrow
Letts Gully and Galloway bus children will be dropped at Terrace school in the morning and will walk to  Molyneux Park.
Omakau and Clyde bus children will be dropped at Dunstan High and will walk to Molyneux Park.
All bus children will be transported back to school at the end of the day to catch buses.
Children to be dropped off between 8.30am and 9am and picked up at 2.55pm from Molyneux Park.

Athletics Rotations

Groups For Athletic Sports

Group 1:  5 year olds

Group 2:  6 year olds

Group 3:  7 year olds

Group 4:  8 year olds (under 9)

Group 5:  9 year olds (under 10)

Group 6: 10 year olds (under 11)

Group 7: 11 year olds (under 12)

Group 8: 12 year olds (under 13)
            & 13 year olds (13+)


Team Number: ________


Mrs Beilby

Mr Yeoman 
& Marty

Mrs Ward
Sue  Brydges
Relays & Shuttles

Mrs Eastwood
Mrs Fonseca
Mrs Nicholson

Mrs Flannery & Fr. Pat
High Jump

Miss Passmore
Long Jump

Mrs Wright
Co/op Score
Line up behind team cones in front of the steps.
Lunch – 1.00
Assemble for long distance races in houses under the trees .  Races start approx 2:00pm

Remember to get each activity marked for co-operation and effort by the event supervisor.
Distance races: 
  Years 1 & 2 = 1 lap (400m)
Years 3 & 4 = 1.5 laps (600m)
Years 5 & 6 = 2 laps (800m)
Years 7 & 8 = 2 laps (800m)

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Pet day

Pet day Information

  • Soft toy section
    Bring a soft toy to Room 1 and label before school.
  • Sand saucer: Bring flowers and a saucer to Room 2 - These will be made at school.
  • Painted pet rocks - Children who are doing this will need a rock. This is in Room 3.
  • Small pets - Room 5  e.g. rats NOT DOGS
  • Dogs tied to the fence along Station Street.
  • Veggie animals in Room 6. Children need to bring vegetables, toothpicks, named chopping board and a named small knife suitably wrapped-up.
  • Animal art in chalk - This is on the court and chalk will be provided.
  • Cats Room 4
  • Obstacle course near sandpit. Dogs must be on a lead and times will be taken. - 10.15 am

All pets must be on a lead and have someone with them at all times
All making activities must be completed by 10.30am

Prizes -

1st 2nd 3rd obstacle course
1st 2nd 3rd Dog section
1st 2nd 3rd Cat Section
1st 2nd 3rd Small animals
1st 2nd 3rd Farm animals
Most unusual animal
1st 2nd 3rd Best-dressed animal and owner  
1st 2nd 3rd Sandsaucer
1st 2nd 3rd Painted animal rocks
1st 2nd 3rd Veggie animals
1st 2nd 3rd Soft toys

Judging at 10am
Grand parade at 11am
All pets must be collected by 11.30 am at the latest.
Prize giving at assembly in the afternoon.

Mass at 12pm

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Term 4, Week 1

Welcome back!!!

I hope you've all had a fantastic break and enjoyed the beautiful spring weather during the holidays. Term 4 is always busy and fill of exciting things.

Coming up this week:
Tuesday 13th - Mr Hogue teaching Science (pm)
Wednesday 14th - Mr Hogue teaching Science (am)
Thursday 15th - Athletics Rotation (pm) - Children can wear their sports uniforms.

Reports will be sent out around week 8 of this term which means I am straight back into testing and getting prepared for reports early in the term.

Our Dam Visit has been postponed so we will be at school as normal on Wednesday. Thank you to all of the parents who offered to transport the children out there. I will send out more information once the Clyde Dam staff have confirmed a new date that will work for them.

Please have a look at the calendar on the website to see what's coming up this term as there is a lot of exciting things happening. 
Some important dates:
Monday 19th - Athletics Rotation (pm)
Thursday 22nd - Athletics Rotation (pm)
Friday 23rd - Pet Day (am), Mass (12pm) and Assembly.

Monday 26th - LABOUR DAY
Wednesday 28th - Athletics Sports - all day at Molyneux Park

If you have any concerns about the term ahead, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Have a great week

Jo :)

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Sad news

It is with sadness that we inform our school community that Mrs Beilbys husband Alan lost his battle with cancer this morning. There will be school prayer at 9am in the church tomorrow if you wish to join us.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Week 7 Term 3

Hi team,

Sorry I didn't get a post up last week. It's been a hectic time since returning from camp and last week just flew by! As I'm sure you've all heard, we had a fantastic time at camp and the children shared some of their highlights at our assembly on Friday. Another massive thank you for all of your help in getting your child ready for camp and also a huge THANKS to the parents who attended camp. You all made my job so much easier and helped make our camp Awesome!!

School Mass:
Thanks you to all those that attended this morning. It was great to see so many of you there! 

This week:
Tuesday and Wednesday - I am away on the Year 3/4 camp to the Ski Farm. Mrs Eastwood will be teaching in Room 5 for these two days.
Thursday - Inquiry afternoon - this will be the last day for our building groups to get their creations completed. We have Rippa Rugby coaching on Thursday 11.40-12.45. Sports uniforms can be worn on Thursday :)
Friday - we are having our catch up swimming session (River Safety) on Friday afternoon (1.30-2.30). Children will need pants (NOT jeans), a long sleeved top and socks to swim in as well as their togs. Sports uniforms can be worn to school on Friday too :)

Friday is also the Otago Cross Country champs in Dunedin. We have 3 Room 5 children attending and we wish them luck for their races on Friday.

Spelling, maths and reading. Eisteddfods are fast approaching so children need to start thinking about and planning their speeches. Mrs Eastwood will be working on speech writing while she is in class so hopefully your child will be able to write their speech independently. I will send home the marking sheet with WALTS and success criteria next week.

Have a great week!


Thursday, 13 August 2015

Ski Camp

Hi team,

We had our parent (those attending camp) meeting for camp last night and finalised everything. This is hopefully the last camp update for you all :)

We will be meeting at 5.30pm on Tuesday night at the church carpark to pack the vehicles and trailer with over night bags, sleeping bags, pillows and food. If you are unable to be there at this time, please let me know so we can sort something else for you. 

On Wednesday we will meet at 5.45am at the church carpark with day packs. We will hopefully be ready to leave at 6am sharp.  Please try to be there on time as we have to be at the ski field by 8am to get our gear!

Baking can be brought in either on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.

We will be getting off the mountain at approx 3pm on Friday so are expecting to be back at the church carpark by 5pm. Please keep an eye on the Facebook page as I will get this updated when we are leaving the ski field. 

Please ensure your child has their day pack packed with a good lunch and a bag of scroggin. They will also need all of their ski gear on Wednesday (I would suggest putting it in day packs if it fits or just carry it as it will be too hot to wear travelling) -please don't pack the ski gear in their over night bags :) They will also need two drink bottles with water in their day packs to keep them going for the day. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Have a great weekend with your very excited and nervous children!


Thursday, 6 August 2015

Camp meeting

The meeting for parents attending camp is on Thursday 13th at 5.30pm. Please note this time has moved forward an hour.

See you all there

Jo :)

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Term 3 Week 3

Hi everyone,

Welcome to another full on week of learning!! As you probably know this week we have the Education Review Office (ERO) in our school this week. A reminder that if your child is sick to please keep them at home as there are some really nasty bugs going around and it would be great if we can go into camp 'bug free'!!

A big thank you to those parents who camp along to interviews to clarify their child's report. I hope your questions were answered and you know now next learning steps and what you can do to help them. If you did;t make an interview time and would like some questions answered,  please get in touch to make a time to discuss your child's learning.

On a Wednesday afternoons Room 5 and Room 6 are having an 'Inquiry afternoon'. This is where our envirogroup get a chance to work on our school gardens and our 'building' team will complete their building challenges. As the building team need to find resources for their projects it has become part of their homework for the next few weeks. If you are able to help in anyway please let Mr Yeoman or myself know.

Camp isn't far away now. It's important that you are starting to gather clothing and talking to your children about camp. If you have any questions or need any skiing gear please et me know ASAP so i can try to find what you need.

Cross Country is next week - Children can wear their sports uniforms and tracksuits to school each day until the Cross Country.

~Enviro planning and finding resources (if needed)
~Cross Country training - It would be great if your child could be going for a run each  night to prepare them for the cross country next week.
~Maths - basic facts (Multiplication)
~Reading every night for at least 15 minutes - this needs to be recorded into their reading logs please
~Spelling from their Monday test. Your child will have between 0-15 spelling words for this term - I will be testing them on a Monday and what they get wrong will become their spelling words for the week.

Upcoming dates:
Thursday 6th & 13th August - Swimming. Meet at the pool or come to school and catch a ride :)
Wednesday 12th August - Cross Country (pm)
Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st August - Room 5 Camp :)
Sunday 30th August - School Mass

Thanks for all of your support and help. Have a great week.


Sunday, 26 July 2015

Camp Meeting

For the parents attending camp there will be a meeting on Thursday 13th August at 6.30pm

Please let me know if this time does not suit as it would be great to see all parents who are coming on camp at this meeting to ensure we are all on the same page :) 



Week 2 Term 3

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend. I managed to get to the 7 a-side Rugby tournament in Alex on Saturday and enjoyed watching some awesome St Gerard's boys playing rugby. A big Congrats to the Alex Prem Rugby team who won the Central Otago competition on Saturday!! It was a very exciting game!

This week:
I have release on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning which means Mr Hogue will be in Room 5 teaching science. 
Thursday - swimming 9.15-10.15. Thanks to those parents who helped by taking children to the pool. It would be great if children could take a jacket and or warm hat to put on once we leave the pool as it was a freezing morning last week.
Friday - Assembly led by Room 1 &2 and Mass led by Room 3 - please come along and join us.

These are based on your child's report that you received at the end of last term.  I will have a copy of your child's report for the interview. These interviews will be directed by the parent to discuss any questions or concerns that you have from the information I gave in the report. 

Thank you to those of you who promptly returned the risk disclosure form for camp last week. If this hasn't been returned, please ensure it is handed in this week. If you have any questions or concerns about camp please don't hesitate to contact me.

Have a great week
