Hi Team,
I hope you've all had a great weekend.
We have had a great start in Room 5 with our massive class of 19 children (I'm very lucky this year!!). We have started setting up a fun and safe environment for the children to enjoy and learn in during 2015. I've really enjoyed meeting all the Year 5 children and getting to know them. It's also been great to see my Year 6's take a step up and show great leadership skills. I'm really excited for a fun year ahead.
Homework will start off this week but I will gradually build up the amount over the next few weeks as it is still early in the year. There will be a basic facts sheet this week as well as reading that is expected to be completed every night. I will send some reading books home over the year but am more than happy for your child to read their own chapter books at home. As long as they are reading for at least 15-20 minutes each night and recording it in their reading logs I will be a happy teacher. :)
Over the next few weeks we will be working on our class routines and trialling a new timetable alongside Room 6 as we have Mrs Nicholson working as a Teacher Aide with us this year. This is very exciting but may take a few weeks to iron out how to best use her time effectively.
This week kicks off the start of a busy time.
Monday: Bus safety with Mr Milford
Tuesday: Bike safety with Mr Milford and Swimming in the afternoon. Children will need their bikes, helmets and swimming gear on Tuesday please.
Wednesday: Swimming in the afternoon
Friday: Waitangi Day - School closed
Coming up in the next few weeks;
Tuesday 10th -Swimming, PTA meeting
Wednesday 11th - Swimming
Thursday 12th - Swimming, Meet the Teacher Picnic Evening from 5.30
Sunday 15th - School Mass
Monday 23rd - Swimming Sports :)
If your child is unable to swim please ensure you email me or send a note along to school. Otherwise it is expected that your child will swim on all of the above days.
Hats are expected for all children from Monday please :)
Please feel free to come and see me before school or email me if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached on jopassmore@stgerards.school.nz
Thanks and have a fantastic SHORT week!!
Jo :)