Sunday, 29 March 2015

Week 10!!!

Hi Team!

Wow the end of the term has arrived very quickly! It's hard to believe we are a term down already. 

We've had a great day listening to scripture readings. All of the children did a fantastic job. Children presenting at the Eisteddfod assembly will be told tomorrow.

This week we will be finishing stuff off and getting 'record of learning' books ready for interviews next term. Please make sure you book an interview time. The link was in last weeks newsletter.

 Check off homework and a library visit to return all books and get some books for holiday  reading.
 Easter walk 11.40am
 Eisteddfod Assembly 1.30pm

Mufti day tomorrow - see the previous post for more details.

Spelling this week --any incorrect words that the children have got throughout the term. This means some children have 15 words and some have none. :) Please make sure you are encouraging your children to work on these words every night.

A fun Easter word find as well :)

Have a great week and enjoy the holidays!!

Feel free to contact me with any concerns.

Jo :)

Mufti Day

Dear Parent/Caregivers

Tomorrow there will be a Vanuatu fundraiser day. We will be holding a series of fun activities for a small cost. All the money we raise will go to the 'coins for bricks' trust and will help rebuild local schools in Port Vila. The activities we have are:

Mufti day-$gold coin 

Easter rock paintings $1.00

Face painting $1.00

Guess how many jelly beans in a jar$0.50

Baking for sale: $1.00 a piece

The activities are not compulsory, but we would like to have every student, wearing mufti if possible.

Thank you 
Molly and Emma 

 Special Character leaders  

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Central Otago Triathlon

Please note the change of date for the C.O Triathlon in the newsletter and on lasts weeks post. The Central Triathlon is on WEDNESDAY 25th March in Cromwell. Races to start at approx 10am. More information will be sent home tomorrow (Thursday) but if you are able to help with transport please let me know ASAP as we have the long weekend and I need to ensure I have enough seats to get all 24 students there. 

Thanks heaps


Sunday, 15 March 2015

Term 1 Week 8

Hi everyone,

We had a great day on Friday with the Year 3s from Room 3. The room 5 children were awesome leaders and helped the younger children with their art work. I'll upload some photos of the finished products at some stage soon. :)

Today is the Triathlon. At this stage it is still on as we haven't discussed a postponement date. Please keen an eye on our blog and/or the Facebook page for updates if the weather gets worse. Fingers crossed it all blows away and we have a beautiful afternoon.

Room 5 and 6 will be biking their bikes up to the pool. All children (except bus children) are expected to be picked up or bike/walk home from the pool this afternoon. Please ensure your child knows what they are doing after the Triathlon. 

Homework this week:
Because it's a short week I have been kind and am only giving out spelling homework. This means your child has time to prepare and practise their eisteddfods which are due on Monday 30th March. I still expect reading to be enjoyed  for at least 15 minutes a night.

A reminder that school is closed on Friday for our Teacher Only Day and again on Monday for Otago Anniversary Day. I hope you all have a fabulous long weekend!!

Have a great week and I will see you all this afternoon as long as the weather plays it's part!!

Jo :)

Monday, 9 March 2015


Hey team

Wow it's hard to believe we are on the downhill slide to Easter!!

We had a busy week last week with C.O Swimming sports and preparing our awesome assembly which was on Friday!! The kids all did a great job and I have had lots of positive comments about the Room 5 Weather report!

Coming up (these are important dates so please note them down);
Monday 16th March - School Triathlon (pm)
Friday 20th March - Teacher Only Day - School closed
Monday 23rd March - Otago Anniversary Day - School Closed
WEDNESDAY 25th March - Central Otago Triathlon (this will only be for children who qualify) 
Monday 30th & Tuesday 31st (if needed) - Presentation of eisteddfods in class
Thursday 2nd April - Eisteddfod assembly & Easter Liturgy 
Friday 3rd April - Good Friday

As you can see the last four weeks are crazy busy with lots needing to get jam packed into a short space. 

Homework this week:
Training for the Triathlon - please encourage your child to do as much practise this week as possible.
Spelling, reading and maths like always :)
Scripture reading Eisteddfod - it's important these are on your mind as they will be due in class before we know it.

Here is a notice about the format that is require for scripture readings;

Scripture Reading Challenge 2015

  • Your scripture reading can be anything you like, eg. a parable, a psalm, a reading from the Gospels.

  • Introductory speech – Years 3/4: 15-20 seconds, Y5/6: 30–45 seconds, Y7/8: 1 minute (times are approximate). This is a time to use the main ideas or theme of their scripture reading to make up a small speech explaining what the reading means to them, without retelling the reading – ie. ‘What the story of the Last Supper tells/demonstrates/means to me is ...... ‘

  • Format for scripture reading on the day – students will start in the middle of the church in front of the altar using a microphone with their introductory speech, then they move to the lectern and say “This is a reading from eg. Matthew Chapter3, Verses 1 -14 ...” then start the reading. At the end, if it is a gospel reading only say, “The Gospel of the Lord”
  • Timetable – Monday 30th or Tuesday 31st March, class Eisteddfods will be heard,
-       Whole school eisteddfods will be on Thursday 2nd April at 2pm – one girl & one boy from each Room, names will be in the school newsletter.

  • For students to remember
-       When reading from the lectern you do not have to look up at your audience all the time – don’t always look at one particular group.
-       Use good expression when you read.
-       Do not read too fast.
-       Pause correctly.
-       You do not have to learn you reading off by heart but you must learn your introduction.

-       Make sure your words and voice are very clear, so that your audience understands.

If you have any questions about any of this information please get in touch with me ASAP.

Thank you and have a great week! :)


Sunday, 8 March 2015

Triathlon Information!!

School Triathlon

The school triathlon has come round very quickly. Due to us being double booked at the swimming pool we have had to change our Triathlon date from what was stated in the term planner at the beginning of the year to Monday 16th March (pm). We will be starting the first race at approx. 12.40pm. Please check your child/ren’s bikes and that their helmets fit properly over the next few days.

Every child will be competing in the triathlon in the following age groups and in this order;
Yr 5-8 Competitive (Yr 5&6, Yr 7&8)
Yr 1&2
Yr 3&4
Yr 5-8 Non-Competitive

If you are able to help with course marshalling please return the form below, before Friday 13th.  It is important that we have plenty of parents around the course to ensure all children are safe at all times and of course to support the children. The more helpers we have the better.


Please be sure to come to school in your school sports uniform and track suit - Years 5 - 8, sports uniforms, green trackpants/warm clothe - Rooms 1 – 4.
School sunhats are compulsory, so be sure to have yours at school.
We will all be leaving school at 12.10pm.  Years 5 – 8 will bike their bikes to the pool with Mr Yeoman and Mrs Eastwood. Rooms 1 – 4 will travel by bus, their bikes will need to be dropped directly to the pool. Lunch will be at 11:30.
There will be an event briefing at approximately 12:30 with the first race starting at approx. 12.40pm.

There will be marshals at each of the Transitions, Mrs Beilby at the run/bike and Mrs Flannery inside the pool.  We ask that parents please stay out of the transition areas, there will be help available to your children if they need it, but Room 3 have demonstrated that they can complete these transitions with no assistance, so we’re sure that older competitors can as well.  It would be helpful though to have parents remove bikes as soon as possible from the area. Children only may access the pool through the rear doors.  This is the understanding that we have within our pool hire agreement. All parents must use the usual pool entrance. Thanks for helping us out with this – especially when it is so exciting!!

Children are to be picked up from the pool after the event at approx. 2.30-2.45 please. Bus children will be brought back to school by staff.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I ______________________________________________ am able to help with course marshalling at the Triathlon on Monday 16th March.

Signed: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Week 6

Hi guys,

Wow what a crazy start to the week. I apologise to those C.O swimmers that were supposed to have an entry form attached to their notice that went home today, it was a hectic morning and I forgot to attach it. Children will bring the list of entires home tomorrow :)

This week:
On Tuesday afternoon we will be heading down to check out the Sea Week Exhibition as it is Sea Week. This is a great opportunity for us to learn about the Sea!

Wednesday: I am away with the C.O swimmers in Cromwell. Mr Yeoman will have the remaining children from Room 5 and 6 for the day.

Friday is the International Day of Prayer.

PAT tests went really well last week! All of the children have done a great job and interviews will be in the next few weeks to go over these results and to set goals for the year. More information to follow soon.

Please make sure you child is doing their homework each night. This week there is spelling and maths. Reading needs to be happening every night please. As your child is now in a senior room I don't mind what they read at night as long as they are reading something. I will not always send a book home for them to read each night so it's important they have reading material from the school or town library at home. 

The school and Central Triathlons are coming up in the next few weeks so it might be a good idea to dust off the bikes and encourage your child to get some practice in early. More information will be given to the students in the next week or so.

Please continue to come and see me if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a great week!!

Jo :)