Monday, 27 April 2015

What we've been up to in Room 5

I've finally figured out how to upload photos on here. So here is a wee sneak peak of what we've been up to in Room 5. I will try and add photos to each post. 

Acting out some of the Psalms for R.E last week. We have some super actors and actresses!!  

A bit of Netball in the sunshine - was great to see all of Room 5 out enjoying the great game of netball!!

Term 2 - Week 2

Hi all,

I hope you've all had a great long weekend and managed to get along to an ANZAC service. 

This week.....

The children have chosen words from their writing books to learn this week. They also have their ANZAC projects to complete which are due on Friday. Reading every night too please :) this can be reading information about their projects or a book of their choice.

I'm on release Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning so Jeremy will be in Room 5 teaching science on these days.

2015 Room 5 Camp - Wednesday 19th August - Friday 21st August. We need to get a committee sorted ASAP so we are able to sort fundraising etc. I you are able to be on the fundraising/camp committee please let me know so we can arrange a meeting soon.

Dates coming up:
Friday 1st May - Assembly led by Room 1 & 2
Monday 4th May - Hockey with Mrs Flannery (Sports uniforms and tracksuits to be worn to school)
Tuesday 5th May - Hockey with Mrs Flannery (Sports uniforms and tracksuits to be worn to school)
Saturday 9th May - Alexandra Primary School 7 a-side Netball tourney
Sunday 10th May - School Mass (and Mother's Day)
Monday 11th May - Hockey with Mrs Flannery (Sports uniforms and tracksuits to be worn to school)
Wednesday 13th May - Hockey Tourni to show off our new learning - whole school
Friday 15th May - Miniball/basketball starting

Sorry lots of things coming up!!

Have  a great week.

Jo :)

Friday, 24 April 2015

The big dig

The Big Dig

The St Gerards Enviro group has been planning towards developing an organic vegetable garden. We’ve visited other gardens, shared our ideas and been given advice from other gardeners. The time has now arrived to turn the first soil! We will be digging the garden beds this coming week and we would love to see anyone who is keen and able to help us out.

Where: Meet at the garden, behind the PE shed.

When: 1245pm Wednesday 29th April

What to bring: Spades, shovels, gloves…any spares would be appreciated also.

We’d love to see you there and will be thankful for any help we can get!


The Enviro group

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Term 2 Week 1

Hi everyone,

Welcome back!! I hope you've all had a relaxing break and Easter, and you're all ready for another busy term ahead.

We welcome Liam Bradley to Room 5. He is starting tomorrow which means we will have 20 children in Room 5 :)

Student Led Conference:
These are going to be held this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure you book a time that suits you on the online booking website. The link can be found in the last few newsletters.

These Conferences are led by the children and are a chance for you to see what they have been learning during Term 1. I will come and sit with each family for 5 minutes discuss any concerns that you might have. It's important to remember that the purpose of these is for your child to show their success and to be proud of them. :) There is a goal setting sheet at the back which you can filling during your conference or at home with your child. 

Once all family members have seen the Record of Learning books they will be given back to me to look after and we will add to them for the next conferences in Term 3 (if you are all happy with this format).

Upcoming Dates:
Student Led Conferences/interviews - Tuesday 21st & Wednesday 22nd
ANZAC Day Observed - Monday 27th April
School Mass - 10th May (Mother's Day)

Homework Term 2, Week 1    
  •  ·      Reading for a minimum of 15 minutes every night please.
  • ·      There is no maths homework this week.
  • ·      Spelling will resume next week after testing has been completed to establish new spelling levels.

·      Current Events Homework Project – Week 1 & 2

As you know ANZAC day is coming up and this year it is even more special as it marks the 100 Year Anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli. Over the next two weeks I would like you to keep track of newspapers, the Internet and watch the news to gather information to create a presentation/poster/report about ANZAC day and what you have learnt. You might like to include any family connections that you may have with any of the Wars.

These will be presented in class on Friday 1st May. If you have any issues with this, please see Miss Passmore early this week to clear up any confusion. J

Have a great week, I'll see you at your child's conference.
