Monday, 18 May 2015

Week 5 Term 2 2015

Hi Team,

It's hard to believe we are into week 5 already. I will be starting to do testing this week in preparation for reports. You can expect to receive these in 4 or so weeks. 

Camp: I still haven't had anyone come forward to help with camp fundraising. Camp is now less than a term away. I will start sending out permission forms and more information soon but think its important that some fundraising begins soon. The cost of camp will be around $300-$400 so fundraising will be helpful. Please get in touch with me ASAP if you are wanting to fundraise or if you're interested in helping organise some fundraising.

Homework: Children will have their project of 'pay it forward' in their homework books. If you have any questions about this, please get in touch with me. Projects are due on Friday 29th May. Spelling, reading and basic facts are all due in this Friday.

Coming up:
Tuesday 19th - CRT (am) Jeremy will be teaching
Friday 22nd - Holy Family School visiting for games and lunch 12.00-1.30. Sports uniforms may be able to be worn - I will let the children know 
Tuesday 26th - CRT (pm) Jeremy will be teaching
Friday 29th - Assembly (Rm 4), Mass (Rm 1&2)
Queens Birthday Weekend - School closed - 1st June

Sickness is starting to hit us in Room 5. Please ensure you let the office know if your child is sick.

Have a great week and keep warm!


Monday, 11 May 2015


On Wednesday we have our school hockey tournament as part of our small sticks in schools.
We will be leaving for the park at 12.45pm and having our lunch down there. You are welcome to join us for lunch and walk down with us or meet us there.
The hockey will start at 1.15pm. We will return to school at 2.55pm.
Children are to wear sports gear with house colour tee shirt please.
If children have mouth guards please bring these. Shin pads can be worn and if your child does not have any please pack some newspaper in there bags as this makes perfect shin pads.
If the weather is no good and we have to postpone it will be on Facebook.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Week 4 term 2

Hi team

I hope you've all had a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all you fantastic mums out there!! I hope today has been awesome and you have been spoilt.

Just a quick post tonight as I will update it after our staff meeting tomorrow :)

Hockey coaching is on tomorrow (Monday) so kids can wear their sports uniforms to school.

More details to come tomorrow.


Sunday, 3 May 2015


St Gerard's School
Organic Garden Foraging List

The enviro group dug four garden plots last week. We are meeting again this Wednesday 6th May to begin developing the soil. We are needing lots of goodies to add to the soil, if anyone can provide any of the following please bring them along to school at 1245pm on Wednesday or please contact Mr Yeoman (

Always think or ask – is this foraging item straight from nature???  GOOD for our garden
Has it been treated with a chemical or had medicine added??? NOT SUITABLE

          For the Garden                                                
          Ash from fire (make sure it is no longer hot or even warm!!)                
          Horse Poo (but can't have been wormed recently)
          Chicken Poo
          Lupin leaves
          Yarrow leaves
          Comfrey leaves
          Lleaves (slightly rotted so they won't blow away)

          For the Compost Bins
                      old carpet to cover the top of the bins
                      old bricks to keep the above on
                      old paint tins at least 5L, to make compost teas (cleaned up of paint)
                      crushed shells
                      sawdust (but not with oil in it from chainsaw)
                      vegetable scraps
                      nettle (no seeds and use gloves to pick as it will give you a nasty rash – grows wild)
                      dandelion leaves

                      Big plastic bags (to collect leaves and other things, also to rot things down faster)

                      Any gardening tools no longer wanted at home

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Week 3 Term 2

Welcome to week 3!! 

Last week I was lucky enough to see all of the children's ANZAC/War projects! These were just amazing and were a credit to the children. They all put in a great effort and I was very impressed with the knowledge they all gained from this homework project. It's awesome to see them all putting such a great effort into their learning. Thanks for helping and encouraging them!! :)

This week will be relatively 'normal' for us in Room 5 which is almost unheard of!!

Mrs Flannery or myself will be taking Room 5 for their first two hockey sessions on Monday and Tuesday at 1.30. Children can wear their sports uniforms and tracksuits to school on these days.

We still don't have a confirmed coach to look after this team on a Friday. Mr Hogue has agreed to take them for practice at school during lunchtime on Tuesdays so all we need is a parent/coach to look after them on a Friday at the games. This will only be to ensure they all get some game time. I will be able to do it at times but i have committed to help Mrs Flannery at hockey practice which is often at the same time. If you are interested in helping out please let me know :)

Camp dates were put in the blog last week. The cost for camp will be around $300-$400 so its important we get onto some fundraising. For this to happen I need a few parents to manage the fundraising. If you are interested in doing this please get in touch with me ASAP as camp is only 14 weeks away. It will be here before we know it.

This week there will be spelling, maths, reading and a project. The children will find out more tomorrow.

I will be starting to test the children soon in preparation for reports. You can all expect to receive reports at the end of this term.

Upcoming Events:
4th May - Hockey 1.30
5th May - Hockey 1.30
9th May - Alex Primary Netball Tourni
10th May - School Mass - All are expected to attend in school uniforms please. 
11th May - Hockey 1.30
13th May - School Hockey Tourni
15th May - Miniball/basketball starts

Have a fantastic week!
