Sunday, 10 April 2016

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the last week of Term 1.  We have had a busy term with a variety of sporting and cultural events taking place.
Camp was a huge success, I am so very proud of every member of Room 5 for their exemplary behaviour while on camp and also the effort they all made to enjoy the riding - for some, this was a big ask!
Thank you to the wonderful parents who came to help out.  Not only is camp an opportunity to spend time with your child and their classmates, it's a time to support every other child attending too.  Thank you to those parents who went above and beyond to ensure that the children under their care had a worry free and fun time.

Eisteddfod Assembly is on Thursday 10th April at 1:30pm in the Church.  Beforehand there is a parent picnic at lunchtime - an opportunity for you all to come and share lunch at school.  Please come along, I would love to see you all and have a catch up before we break for the holidays.

Have a great week,


p.s. My phone died on Friday!!! I still have the same number but at this stage have been unable to recover my contacts as I have switched from an apple to a samsung device.  If you can point me in the right direction of an app which will help with this I would be grateful.  The app I used in the weekend will only allow me to make viber calls!!!

Scripture Reading Challenge 2014

  • Your scripture reading can be anything you like, eg. a parable, a psalm, a reading from the Gospels.

  • Introductory speech – Years 3/4: 15-20 seconds, Y5/6: 30–45 seconds, Y7/8: 1 minute (times are approximate). This is a time to use the main ideas or theme of their scripture reading to make up a small speech explaining what the reading means to them, without retelling the reading – ie. ‘What the story of the Last Supper tells/demonstrates/means to me is ...... ‘

  • Format for scripture reading on the day – students will start in the middle of the church in front of the altar using a microphone with their introductory speech, then they move to the lectern and say “This is a reading from eg. Matthew Chapter3, Verses 1 -14 ...” then start the reading. At the end, if it is a gospel reading only say, “The Gospel of the Lord”
  • Timetable – Monday 7th or Tuesday 8th April class Eisteddfods will be heard
-       Whole school eisteddfods will be on Thursday 10th April – one girl & one boy from each Room. The school newsletter will have the exact time of this

  • For students to remember
-       When reading from the lectern you do not have to look up at your audience all the time – don’t always look at one particular group.
-       Use good expression when you read.
-       Do not read too fast.
-       Pause correctly.
-       You do not have to learn you reading off by heart but you must learn your introduction.

-       Make sure your words and voice are very clear, so that your audience understands.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Week 10

Hands up -  who's excited?

The term is almost over and camp is only 2 nights away.  I have been very busy sorting final details, collecting in notices and making sure that all camp activities will be sorted for the kids.

Monday and Tuesday will be spent preparing for camp with the children having a few learning focuses while they are riding and being tourists.  Next week we will be reliving the joys of camp through our reading, writing, maths and art.

Arrival on Wednesday morning
We aim to leave school around 9am on Wednesday morning.  We are lucky to have had daylight savings over the weekend as this will make a nice difference to a little bit of warmth on our early start.
Can everybody please be at the church car park no later than 8:30am.  This will give us time for loading bags and sorting a few last minute briefing details.

FLURO VESTS - Each child needs a fluro vest - I have a box at school which can be distributed if you don't have one at home.  I think around half of the class has them already.
The vests will ensure we are visible to others are especially when we are crossing main roads.

Remember we have 12 parents attending camp and we are all their for the kids.  Your child will be supported and have a huge amount of fun on camp.  Enjoy your two nights with them away knowing this.

See you all at 8:30am on Wednesday morning.

Mrs Lyon