Saturday, 30 July 2016

Week 2 Term 3

This week's blogpost will be updated when i feel a little better...i have been sick this weekend and haven't managed much work.

Tuesday Swimming. Please remember your swimmimg gear.

I will not be at school tomorrow so will sort spelling and maths sheets for Tuesday.

I wonder if snow will arrive here???

Have a good week,

Mrs Lyon

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Week 1, Term 3

Welcome back people!  Term 3 is here!

SWIMMING ON TUESDAYS!!!  Each Tuesday this term we will have a 1/2 hour swimming lesson at the pool from 9:45-10:15am.  We will walk to and from the pool.  Please ensure your child has their gear with them each week. Click here to remind yourself that packing all gear is important

CROSS COUNTRY - This will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday the 10th of August.  This means we have just over two weeks to get training.  I intend to get some good training in with the kids so that they feel ready to face the challenge on the day - whatever that challenge may be for your child.  I do hope that everyone will look forward to participating and completing the race with a smile on the dial.  The Central Otago Cross Country will be held on Tuesday the 23rd of August.

PARISH FAMILY MASS - This term the family mass will be on Saturday 13th August.  As usual there will be a meal at 5pm followed by Mass at 6pm.  Please come along.
Whole School Mass will be on Sunday 28th of August at 9am.

At this stage, this is all I have to report.   Please note that your children will be bringing home maths worksheets as requested by some parents at parent interviews.  This is to be included with the regular reading, spelling and study ladder tasks.  I think this is plenty of work for your child and by no means should you feel pressure if any given week is a busy one for your family.

Have a great week parents.  I am looking forward to seeing the kiddies tomorrow.


Sunday, 3 July 2016

Week 10

Hi there,

Week 10 is finally here.  We have a few happenings at school this week.

FIrstly - On Tuesday we will be visiting the Golf Course with Sharelle from Kelly Sports to have a final swing and put together all the skills we learned with Sharelle on a real green.  The children can wear their P.E. uniforms.  We will be leaving school by bus at 11am and returning at 12:30pm.

Student-led Interviews - these will be happening this week on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure you have your time sorted with the online booking tool in last week's newsletter.

Eisteddfod Assembly - This will be held on Thursday this week from 1:30pm.

Rippa Tournament - On Friday we are having a school Rippa Rugby tournament in the afternoon. The children are able to wear Mufti on this day.

Farewell to Lauren Kys - Sadly this week we will say goodbye to the Kys family from our school and to Lauren from our class.  They are moving to Singapore where Dave has a teaching position at the Canadian International School.  We wish the family all the best on their new adventure.  We will all miss Lauren's lovely smile and sense of fun and adventure.

Have a great week, I have a little holiday trip planned with my kiddies and cannot wait to have a few snuggly sleep-ins also!
