Sunday, 27 November 2016

Term 4, Week 8

Hi All,

We are now without a doubt on the downhill slide to summer holidays...!

This week we have a few things to sort for the end of the year.
We have been practicing our song/dance for the end of year assembly.  Please encourage your kids to learn the words/moves as often as possible...this will make for a slick performance and an appreciative audience.
Next Wednesday afternoon we will be heading to the Dunstan High School tech kitchen for some Christmas baking fun. Mrs Sanders, myself and the children will be walking up to the school and fixing up some treats for ourselves and to give to others.  If there are any parents who are keen to join us or drop equipment to school this would be greatly appreciated.  The children have been planning what they are making and also what they will need to do this.  We are using the kitchen space for ovens and bench tops and that's pretty much it, so if there are anythings more specific needed, your child will need to bring this along.
Mrs Sanders and myself will provide flour, sugar and eggs (if needed - if you can supply these that would be great).

LITTLE BIG DAY OUT:  On Sunday the 11th of December I would like as many children as possible from Room 5 to sing our end of year song at this concert.  It is a fundraiser for my brother Ben's charity and we have a timetabled slot to perform here.  I'll be sending out a notice and need this returned by the end of this week with an indication of attendance please.

VISION MEETING:  Next Tuesday night there will be a parent evening to share with you all our vision statements for St Gerard's School.  Ben (brother) will be talking about his own vision with Food for Thought programme he runs in Argentina.  Please come along to hear and learn about the visions and also listen to Ben talk about what he's up to.  My brother is doing an amazing job and I am so very proud of him - his talk will be funny AND informative.

FAMILY RECIPES - please send these to school - it can be any recipe that is a favourite in your house.  The Recipe Committee really wants families to have an active involvement in this process so that the recipe book result is ACTUALLY a reflection of our school families.

Thanks Team,
No homework today...some will come home tomorrow.

Mrs Lyon

Sunday, 20 November 2016


Hello there parents...

If your wonderful child/children has/have received a trophy during the year, please return them to school within the next week.  These need to be engraved in time to be presented at the end of the year.

Thanks team,

Mrs Lyon

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Term 4, Week 7

Hi all,

Not long now - down hill slide to the holidays.  I have been super busy over the last few weeks testing and report writing.  Room 5 have settled back into the routine of doing some good old fashioned school work and we have had some great little personal goals set and met with tables, spelling and tidying up (that was my personal goal)!

This week we have Pip from the Life Education Trust coming to school  Room 5 will see her on Thursday, Friday and Monday.  The kids always love having some time on the bus so it'll be great to be a part of some health focussed learning.

Speeches:  The children will be given success criteria for their eisteddfod speeches which should give you some idea of how they can prepare and structure their speech.  We will be working on these in class so that if you need to guide your child, the help will be minimal  (Up to you, but sometimes speech time can be quite stressful for parents).

Homework this week:  A maths sheet and spelling words will be set for homework this week.

Have a great week parents,

Take care,

Mrs Lyon

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Term 4, Week 6

Sunday 13th November,

Week 6 is here!  We are on the downhill slide to the summer holidays.  In Room 5 we have been busy working and making sure the remainder of the time we have for 2016 is jam packed full of hard work, new learning and consolidating what we have already learned this year.

This Sunday, some children from Room 4 will be celebrating their first holy communion.  It would be great to see you all at mass supporting the children in their faith journey.

Speech Eisteddfods:  Speech eisteddfods will be held in week 9.  That gives your child 3 weeks to choose a topic, prepare and practice for their speech.  

This Thursday we will hold a cultural assembly at 1:30pm.  You are all welcome to attend this.  

Maths and Spelling homework will come home again this week.  Please ensure your child makes every effort to get this completed and handed in to me on Friday.  

Have a great week,

Mrs Lyon.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Term 4, Week 5

Sunday 6th November

This week is a busy one for me.  I have some release time scheduled, a maths course to attend and Mrs Sanders will be in Room 5 on Wednesday, instead of her usual Friday.

Presentation of science research this week:  Towards the end of the week the children will be presenting their research on bees and pollination to the class.  This project has had a focus of a poster presentation instead of our usual slide show and talk.  The children are focussing on transactional writing and have included such things as labelled diagrams, research information written in their own words and illustrations with an educational focus.

Note taking:  This week we practiced the skill of note taking as we listened to our class visitor (Mr Whitaker) tell us about bees and pollination  It was great to see the kids so interested in what Mr Whitaker had to say.  We had a nice taste of honey in the comb too.  Talking to an expert (biology teacher and hobby bee keeper) is a great way to learn more about a research topic.  Thanks to Dad for coming in and being so cool with the kids. 

This week there will be spelling and maths homework.  Keep up the nightly reading too please - it really does make a difference to vocabulary, spelling, writing and of course reading mileage.

Have a great week parents.  Don't forget to remind your kids that they are awesome!

Mrs Lyon.