FYI - we are still after a few parents to join us...please let me know if you'd like to come along.
Room 5 Rail Trail Camp
21st-23rd March 2018
15th February
Dear Parents,
Only 33 sleeps until camp! Most things are falling into place for our Rail Trail adventure.
I have booked in a visit to Hayes engineering and for curling in Naseby. If the weather is good
we’ll also go riding in the Naseby forest. I still have a few minor details to sort but this notice is
about the things you will need to sort for your child (and yourself if you are a parent coming with
us) so that our 2018 camp will be a success.
Parents attending camp. Because this camp will have 38 children we need enough parents to
either ride on the trail with groups or to transport the vehicles between stops. I have booked for
52 people in total which means we have space for 14 adults, what we need if we have 2 vans
and 4x 7 seater vehicles will be 13 adults. So there will either be 51 or 52 people in total on
Food: I am hoping to have premade meals on camp for the 2 evenings we are staying
overnight. I imagine lasagne one night and some sort of pie the next night. We will have bread
and salad available. The kitchen at the camp is rather small and this sort of preparation would
work best with our group. If it rains we’ll need to eat in our cabins. Breakfasts will be cereals
and toast. Lunches will be filled rolls, fruit and baking.
What to bring: Each person needs to take the following items – there will not be a bag check.
Sleeping bag, 2 towels, plastic bag with tea-towel, cup, bowl, dinner plate, knife, fork and spoon,
toilet bag (with toothbrush etc), pyjamas, 2 pairs shorts (or bike shorts), 2 pairs of long pants,
leggings for cold weather cycling – merino are always handy, 3 pairs of socks, 2 changes of
underpants, 2 t-shirts – collars are helpful if sunny, 2 jumpers (merino?), windproof/waterproof
jacket, 2 pairs shoes, sunhat or cap, hat for cooler weather, torch with fresh batteries,
handkerchiefs/tissues, device for taking pictures (optional). 1 pencil, rubber and pen in a plastic
bag – coloured pencils optional – an indoor game and a book.
Accommodation is in bunkrooms with an outside walk to the toilets/showers. An adult will
sleep in most bunkrooms and will accompany any children needing to use the toilets during the
night, as this is a public camping ground. Mums with the girls and Dads with the boys.
Morning/Afternoon tea food donations I will be sending out requests to families in the next
week or two for either a box of muesli bars (actual muesli as opposed to confectionary type) or
some home baking for our morning and afternoon teas. Please keep a look out for a request for
this – either baking /bars.
Scroggin A snaplock bag of scroggin may be brought in your child’s day pack if they feel the
need for extra snacks – we will have plenty of food, this is not an essential item. Please also
ensure that if they bring a scroggin bag that what they have is SCROGGIN and not pick’n’mix!
Items not to be brought Radios, cellphones, walkmans, hand held computer games, chewing
gum or sweets. iPods may be used for camera purposes only.
Medications: Those students who have medication they require should bring spare supplies to
school in a named plastic bag by Friday the 16th of March at the latest. These supplies will be
carried as a part of the first aid kit.
Cost The cost for parents attending will be covered within the overall costs of the camp. These
costs will be finalised asap after this meeting once food costs are sorted.
Day Pack The children will need to bike with a day pack on. The pack should contain a good
morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for the first day, plenty of water to drink, a spare tube
(or 2), a small first aid kit, scroggin (if any), sunhat, sunscreen, gloves, hat, windproof/waterproof
Bike Check It is essential that all bikes are checked and have a current WOF for riding the rail
trail. It is up to you as parents to ensure that your child’s bike is in perfect riding order for the rail
trail. If you have any issues regarding this please get in touch with me asap.
Parent Meeting Wednesday 14th of March at 6 pm in Room 5. This meeting will be to share
expectations, answer any questions and finalise travel arrangements.
Carolyn Lyon and Bridget Chamberlain