Together we can make this a $50,000+ fundraiser for our school!!
Two years ago conversations were happening around how we could raise a substantial amount of money for St Gerard’s. We talked about the need for a library to be reinstated, about the need for spaces for sciences, art and music so that classes could undertake exciting project based, student driven learning and about how we always felt like the school was running on a shoestring...what could we do to help? From these conversations ‘The Seasonal Cook’ was born.
For the past two years many of you have been involved in the project ‘The Seasonal Cook’. We would like to say thank you. Thank you for your recipes, your testing and tasting, your sponsorship and your time. We received over two hundred and fifty recipes for the book - and in the end we could only include just over a hundred and twenty recipes. It has been a huge effort and we are so proud of the book that has been produced.
‘The Seasonal Cook’ was launched two weeks ago with a Home Tour. Once again thank you for your support of this tour. We have received lovely feedback about the tour and it is exciting to be able to report that the home tour raised over $11,000. We also sold over 90 copies of the book on the day.
The sucess of this day and the support of our generous sponsors have enabled us to cover all the costs of printing our first run of books.
‘The Seasonal Cook’ is expected to raise over $50,000 just from this first print run. Once the books have sold then the exciting process of community consultation and planning can begin on how to best use the funds raised to benefit current and future students.
What we need for this to be a success, is for each one of us in our school community to actively promote and try and sell ‘The Seasonal Cook’. It is $40.00 and there is a sample of the book at the school office.
- Have you got yourself a copy of ‘The Seasonal Cook’?
- Do you have people to get Christmas presents for who would love ‘The Seasonal Cook’?
- Do you have family or friends, especially those who do not live in Alexandra, that would love a stylish cookbook?
- Can you help out by manning a stall at the local markets to sell the books?
Books can be purchased at:
- The School Office (cash or EFTPOS)
pm us on our facebook page “The Seasonal Cook St Gerards School Cookbook”
Thank you for your support - what a great school community we have!