Sunday, 24 February 2019

Term 1, Week 4

Hi everyone.

Hope you had a nice weekend break - great to see so many of you at school mass on Sunday. 

Homework this week:   Spelling - your child will have their homework book in their bag with updated words for this week.  Please ensure they spend a couple of minutes filling out their sheet each day - Mon-Thur - so that they are ready for testing on Friday. 
Mathletics - each member of Room 5 has a log in for this site now.  It's an awesome site for your child to learn on.   There are loads of set activities based around number with videos and tutorials if your child needs assistance.
Reading - 20 mins each night.

Swimming Sports:  Thursday this week!  Please ensure your child is at the pool by 9am.  Each child is encouraged to dress in their house colours.  Please label your child's swim gear and have them bring 2 towels, a drink bottle and a decent lunchbox of food. 

Timetable: championship and non-championship races will begin as soon after 9 am as possible.
9:00 – 10:00 (approximately) championship & non-championship full length races.
10:15 – 10:30 ish break for morning tea 
10:15 – 11 Junior school sports in the therapeutic pool.
11 – 12 Completion of the championship and non-championship full-length races. House relays – plus a lane for teachers and staff. Do you want to swim a leg of the parent relay? Is there anyone who can arrange a team of 4? This is a highlight for the kids – come on community!

Note: Parents of Junior school students wishing to watch their children we suggest you come 10 – 11.
Children will travel back to school after 12 by bus.

Have a great week!

Mrs Lyon

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Term 1, Week 3

Hi all,

We're into week 3 already and the students in Room 5 are settling nicely into the classroom learning routines.  Mathletics is ready to be started so I'll be introducing the class to this in the next week or so - once i've had a play around on the site.   Mathletics will be a nice addition to our maths learning in class.  It won't take place of maths instruction, but will be a tool the children will use themselves to practise and strengthen their maths knowledge and understanding. 

Swimming:  TUESDAY - PLEASE BRING SWIMMING GEAR!  We'll be walking to the pool for our swimming lesson on Tuesday morning.  This will be the only lesson the children get before the swim sports and will be a good chance for me and for them to see which races they'd like to enter for the school swimming sports. Please encourage your kids to have a go at most races they are capable of doing,

Homework:  There will be spelling words to learn this week.  Please ensure your child spends 10 minutes or so a day practising their words.  Their homework spelling sheet has spaces allocated for for each day Monday through Thursday.  Keep up the reading and times tables practise too.

BYOD: We are still waiting for a few signed contracts to be returned to school.  Once these are returned we can begin as a class to use laptops/devices to aid our learning. 

CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY:  On Friday morning Room 5 will need to be at school promptly as we are to be singing the national anthem at a citizenship ceremony at the council chambers and need to be there by 9:20am.   I have done this before - with last year's class - and it's an awesome thing to do.  The children get to hear stories of people who are becoming citizens and then welcome them by singing our national song.  We don't get to do this very often, so I'm excited I have the privilege of our class being invited to sing.

School Mass and Parish Picnic: Mass next Sunday is a school mass and will be held in Pioneer Park.  This will be followed by a parish picnic.  There'll be some fun games for you all to join in on.  Bring along a picnic lunch and spend some time with other school families.   The mass will begin at 10am.  Please ensure your child is at the park by 9:55 at the latest. 

Have a great week,

Mrs Lyon

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Term 1, Week 1

Hi Folks,

Welcome to you all.  It was very hot at school today so a bit of a task getting the poor kids to be in school mode instead of holiday mode - and the teacher - ha ha!  Thankfully we're not jumping straight into the learning learning just yet - lots of team building exercises and getting to know each other first.

I haven't set any homework for this week but from next week there will be spelling words, some maths (when mathletics is set up) and the expectation that reading for at least 20 minutes will be a part of your child's day at home.

Waitangi Day: This Wednesday is a public holiday! No school.
There is a 9am Mass at the Church of Dunstan in Clyde.
Also St Gerard's families are invited to meet for a family picnic at Pioneer Park from 11am - 1pm.

Meet the Teacher: NEXT TUESDAY from 5:30pm at school.  Pop this into your diaries team, this is a good time to come and hear what's going on for your child this year in Room 5.

If you need to contact me for any reason during the year please email me at

Have a great week folks! 

Mrs Lyon.