Sunday, 31 March 2019

Term 1, Week 9

Hi Folks,

Here's what's happening this week at school.

Eisteddfod: Assembly for the scripture eisteddfod will be next Monday the 8th of April.  Please ensure your child is ready to read their scripture eisteddfod on either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday this week.  This one is relatively simple for the children and a nice introduction into the year of eisteddfod performances.
The introduction for their scripture should be between 30 seconds-2 minutes long.  The scripture your child chooses to read should be introduced and introduced in a way that shows how your child has a connection to the reading.  There can be a description about the message and anything else you think may be relevant can be spoken about at this time.  Following the introduction your child will read their chosen scripture, psalm or other bible story.
Mrs Laidlaw and I will be joining forces to hear the Year 5 students and also to ensure judging is consistent across our classrooms.  I have already warned Mrs Laidlaw that I will be Simon and she can be Amanda!!!

Joking aside, please reassure your children, as I do, that getting up and giving this a go is a great way to build the public speaking muscle lurking inside.  For some kids, this is not a bother, but for others, it's a big ask - we know this and are supportive of all children.

That's pretty much it for the week - please keep up the effort with Mathletics, spelling and reading - At school it is obvious that extra time is put in with these subjects at home and it's a great way to support your child's learning at too.   We have been doing some wonderful research around anzac soldiers in our Walking with an Anzac project.  Be sure to ask your child about whom they are studying and what they are finding out about their soldier/soldiers/families of soldiers.
If you are interested in taking a peak yourself, here's a link to the website we are using - it's amazing!

Have a great week folks - only 2 weeks left.  I'm a bit sad it's fair to say, I have loved getting to know your children and I will most definitely miss them and wonder how they are getting on when I move to Wanaka with my family.  I'm so glad it's a likelihood I'll bump into you/them from time to time.

Take care,

Mrs Lyon

Marking Schedule for Eisteddfod Scripture Reading:

Scripture Reading  Eisteddfod

*  Using scripture, recite/perform a chosen scripture making meaning clear by using appropriate speech and delivery.
Name:  __________________                          Title: ___________________
Audience suitability

Teacher comment

Monday, 25 March 2019

TERM 1, Week 8

Hi folks,

Here are the goings on for the week.

Wednesday - Dunstan Zone Triathlon.  Good luck to all children who have entered this event and will represent our school. 

Friday - School Photos.  Please make sure full school uniform is worn on Friday - this means appropriate footwear.  Please refer to this link if you are unsure of what is required.

Homework - Please ensure spelling, reading and mathletics activities are being completed. 

Have a great week!

Mrs Lyon

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Term 1, Week 7

HI Folks,

This morning we are having whole school prayer in the church and welcome as many who would like to come to join us.  We will be praying for the victims and their families of the horrific shooting Christchurch on Friday.

Sticks N Stones - Vanessa Breen will be in our classroom today taking a session for our children around building self esteem and friendship awareness.  Sticks N Stones is a locally owned and nationally acclaimed anti-bullying education agency.   We are super lucky to have their free support in our classroom.

Triathlon: THIS THURSDAY!  Please ensure your child is ready for this.   Bikes must be dropped at the pool for the beginning time of 12:00pm.   Mrs Wright and myself will be riding to and from the event with those children whose bikes are unable to be dropped at the pool.
If you want me to have a quick check over of your child's bike I can do so.  It is important that brakes are working, tyres are pumped and that your child's helmet fits properly.

Have a good week. 

Mrs Lyon

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Term 1, Week 6

Hi all,

This week we are getting on board with a new positive behaviour management class plan.  The plan revolves around these words.


As members of a class community we'll be looking for students who show these attributes regularly.  Showing respect, being responsible and being honest makes a child a valued class member and it also means that they set a good example to fellow students.

When students show examples of these values a point will be added to a tally sheet (google doc - owned by me)  The point can be saved up and used as currency for a class movie session at the end of the term.  The more points you earn, the more comfort you'll be able to 'buy' during the movie session.
These comforts were thought up by Room 5 today.  They are as follows;
The use of a pillow,
The use of a blanket,
A seat on the couch,
An ice-block,
Feet up on a rest of some sort,
Jaffas or other small choice of sweet
The choice of movie seat.
All students will get to watch the end of term movie, but their level of comfort will be determined by the total points they collect over the next 5 weeks.

PAT's will be happening in class next week.  We use the results of these standardised tests as one piece of evidence along with others to get an overall picture of where and how your child achieves as a learner at school.

Homework - please help your child's learning by ensuring they are practising their spelling words Monday through Thursday.  Please test not only their spelling, but also their understanding of their new words - levels 4 and 5 have some new vocabulary so it's important that children learn not only how to spell the word, but that they understand it and can use it moving forward.
Reading should be happening for 20 minutes (please sign their diary to confirm this).
Mathletics should be visited 2 to 3 times a week.  If you have internet restrictions, please let me know.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Lyon