Thursday, 30 March 2017

Kapahaka Festival

Kapahaka Festival
Sunday 9th April 2017. 1:00-3:30pm.

Our group is looking and sounding absolutely fabulous. Well done everyone on a great start to the year. It’s a real team effort, and thank you to the Kapahaka leaders who have helped so much with the group and helping newcomers learn actions and words. We also need to thank Mrs Maria Williams who is about to sort the dresses.

On Sunday 9th please arrive at 12:35pm and look for Mrs Beilby and Mr Yeoman and our Kapa Haka leaders. Please bring school sunhat, a drink and a school PE shirt to put on over your costumes as sun protection.  We are performing 9th on the programme, after Maniototo school.

-Girls in dresses provided, white knickers and hair tied in ½ pony tails so that hair is out, but off the face – please clip back any straggly pieces (Ms Tamati’s request).  No jewellery or brightly coloured hair ties. Mrs Williams would like to see the dresses ironed so that we all look really smart. We will be performing in bare feet.
-Boys black shorts with black tee-shirts.  Thomas, we will have your sash.

Girls dresses need to be returned to the big bin in Room 3 by Tuesday 11th April – please make sure that your name is still on the bag and that the safety pins for the straps are attached.

Please cut off and return the slip below to confirm your child’s attendance, or confirm asap via email

Thanks. Mrs Beilby and Mr Yeoman


My child/children _______________________ will attend the Central Otago Kapa Haka festival  on Sunday 9th April.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Term 1, Week 8

Week 8 - only 4 weeks left until the holidays!

Hi all, I hope you made the most of the stunning weather we've been given and managed to get out and about with your kiddies over the weekend.  The kids and I went mountain biking in Naseby and also managed to hang out with some foodie friends - always a bonus when you stay with not 1 but 2 chefs!  Needless to say I am feeling rather lethargic from eating too much, but satisfied from some fresh air and delicious food.  

This week the homework is the same.  Spelling, a maths sheet, some study ladder time and reading. With goal setting interviews coming up it is important you chat with your child about their next learning steps and also make some plans with them about how they can work towards these at home - not just at school.  

We have one more discovery time session this week - tomorrow morning!  

Tomorrow afternoon we finish school at 2:30pm for Parent Interviews.  This will be the same for Wednesday also.

There's assembly this Friday - come along!

Late posting this sorry!  Forgot to push PUBLISH! 

Friday, 17 March 2017

FYI Parents of Central Triathlon competitors.

"Hi everyone. It is essential that all those students who put there name down for the Central Otago Triathlon this Thursday 23rd March bring their forms back to Mr Yeoman or Mrs Beilby on Tuesday March 21st.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Newsletter Thursday this week

Hi all,
Chrissy is away at a first aid course on Wednesday so the school newsletter will be sent out on Thursday this week instead of Wednesday.

Term 1, Week 7

Hey folks,

Does anyone else find it weird that we are on the downhill slide to the Easter Holidays?  We've still got a good 5 weeks of learning to happen before then though, and during this time the children will be focussing on their next learning steps and preparing for their goal setting interviews in a few weeks.

Parish Mass this Wednesday will be led by us, please feel free to come along at 9am and join us.

St Patricks Day - it would be a shame not to eat something green on Friday so if you could send your child along with a green item to share for a light lunch that'd be great.  I imagine we'll be listening to Irish diddle-e-dee songs during the day and will definitely be learning about St Patrick.  It'd be great if you could encourage your child to research a little information before Friday.  Any relevant info can be written into homework books or saved as a link in a google doc.

Next Monday is Anniversary Day and school will be closed.

Please encourage your child to read every day, learn their spelling words and complete their maths homework/studyladder activities.  Regular work on this really makes a big difference over the year.  

Have a great week parents,   I am loving my job this term - Room 5 is a great place to be,  I am so lucky to have 26 great kids in my class - so pat yourselves on the back!

Mrs Lyon.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Spelling word fun in Room 5

Hi there parents,

Check out one of our fun options for nailing the weekly spelling words.

Let me know if you have any innovative ways to learn the weekly words.

Mrs Lyon

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Library Books

Hi all,

FYI:  If you're ever wondering what to do with lovely books you don't need at home anymore, we have a library here in Room 5.  Please feel free to donate them to us.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Term 1, Week 6

Hi All,

Here's whats happening this week.

Monday 6th  - pm - Senior Syndicate Discovery time.
Tuesday 7th - pm School Triathlon - see details below.
Friday 10th - Assembly.

During this week I'll be doing PAT testing also.  The tests cover Maths, Reading Comprehension, Reading Vocabulary and Listening Comprehension.  These are standardised tests and provide useful information for planning and individualised specific teaching.

School Triathlon:  Timetable for Tuesday 7th March
Please note that the Year 5’s in Room 4 will follow the same programme as the Year 5’s in Mrs Lyon’s class.
11.15 am:      Eat extra for morning tea!
12.10 pm:      Year 5-8 ride to the pool with Mrs Lyon & Mrs Eastwood.
12.10 pm:      Year 1-4 catch bus to the pool (Parents are to have dropped bikes off at the Alexandra Aquatic Centre).
12.30 pm:     Gather on the grass in house groups.
12.40 pm:     First race. Senior competitive Year 5-8.
1.00 pm:       Year 1 & 2 race.
1.30 pm:       Year 3 & 4 race.
2.00 pm:       Senior non-competitive Year 5-8.
2.30 pm:       Everyone gathers on grass in house groups.
2.45 pm:       Home time – check in with teacher.
(* Eat lunch when not racing).

Have a great week all,

Mrs Lyon