Monday, 20 March 2017

Term 1, Week 8

Week 8 - only 4 weeks left until the holidays!

Hi all, I hope you made the most of the stunning weather we've been given and managed to get out and about with your kiddies over the weekend.  The kids and I went mountain biking in Naseby and also managed to hang out with some foodie friends - always a bonus when you stay with not 1 but 2 chefs!  Needless to say I am feeling rather lethargic from eating too much, but satisfied from some fresh air and delicious food.  

This week the homework is the same.  Spelling, a maths sheet, some study ladder time and reading. With goal setting interviews coming up it is important you chat with your child about their next learning steps and also make some plans with them about how they can work towards these at home - not just at school.  

We have one more discovery time session this week - tomorrow morning!  

Tomorrow afternoon we finish school at 2:30pm for Parent Interviews.  This will be the same for Wednesday also.

There's assembly this Friday - come along!

Late posting this sorry!  Forgot to push PUBLISH! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 5! We were soooo happy to receive your parcel! Your postcards are displayed in our window. We hope you enjoy our parcel too :) Love from R4!
