Thursday, 30 March 2017

Kapahaka Festival

Kapahaka Festival
Sunday 9th April 2017. 1:00-3:30pm.

Our group is looking and sounding absolutely fabulous. Well done everyone on a great start to the year. It’s a real team effort, and thank you to the Kapahaka leaders who have helped so much with the group and helping newcomers learn actions and words. We also need to thank Mrs Maria Williams who is about to sort the dresses.

On Sunday 9th please arrive at 12:35pm and look for Mrs Beilby and Mr Yeoman and our Kapa Haka leaders. Please bring school sunhat, a drink and a school PE shirt to put on over your costumes as sun protection.  We are performing 9th on the programme, after Maniototo school.

-Girls in dresses provided, white knickers and hair tied in ½ pony tails so that hair is out, but off the face – please clip back any straggly pieces (Ms Tamati’s request).  No jewellery or brightly coloured hair ties. Mrs Williams would like to see the dresses ironed so that we all look really smart. We will be performing in bare feet.
-Boys black shorts with black tee-shirts.  Thomas, we will have your sash.

Girls dresses need to be returned to the big bin in Room 3 by Tuesday 11th April – please make sure that your name is still on the bag and that the safety pins for the straps are attached.

Please cut off and return the slip below to confirm your child’s attendance, or confirm asap via email

Thanks. Mrs Beilby and Mr Yeoman


My child/children _______________________ will attend the Central Otago Kapa Haka festival  on Sunday 9th April.

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