Sunday 12 March 2017

Term 1, Week 7

Hey folks,

Does anyone else find it weird that we are on the downhill slide to the Easter Holidays?  We've still got a good 5 weeks of learning to happen before then though, and during this time the children will be focussing on their next learning steps and preparing for their goal setting interviews in a few weeks.

Parish Mass this Wednesday will be led by us, please feel free to come along at 9am and join us.

St Patricks Day - it would be a shame not to eat something green on Friday so if you could send your child along with a green item to share for a light lunch that'd be great.  I imagine we'll be listening to Irish diddle-e-dee songs during the day and will definitely be learning about St Patrick.  It'd be great if you could encourage your child to research a little information before Friday.  Any relevant info can be written into homework books or saved as a link in a google doc.

Next Monday is Anniversary Day and school will be closed.

Please encourage your child to read every day, learn their spelling words and complete their maths homework/studyladder activities.  Regular work on this really makes a big difference over the year.  

Have a great week parents,   I am loving my job this term - Room 5 is a great place to be,  I am so lucky to have 26 great kids in my class - so pat yourselves on the back!

Mrs Lyon.

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