Monday 23 October 2017

Term 4, Week 2

HI all,

Tomorrow - please meet at Molyneux Park by 9:15am.  Athletics day will run from 9:30am until 2:45pm.  Bus children will be taken from school to the park and returned at the end of the day if needed.  The timetable for the Athletics sports is on the school facebook page.  Please ensure your child has sunblock, a sunhat, a good lunch and a large drink bottle.  Tomorrow will be great fun with a dose of competitiveness.  Good luck to all the kiddies.

PAT testing is happening in Rooms 4, 5 and 6 this week.  I try to make these testing times as relaxed as possible for the children.  We have been practising answering multi-choice questions a little.   The usual pattern for these types of questions are that there will be one question that DEFINITELY isn't the answer, 2 possibles and 1 random.  I encourage each child to use a pen and paper to answer the question independently first (esp for maths) and then look for the answer in the choices.

School Fair - this weekend!  Room 5 will be involved in running a few games at the fair.  This is always a nice day for the school community to mix with the wider community - let's hope the weather is fine!

MOVIES!  Last term we read the novel 'Wonder'.  The movie is being release this month and I'd like to take Room 5 along to see it.  There is a small amount of money left over from our ski camp which could be used to cover the cost of the movie screening at Central Cinemas.  I'd like to use the funds to take the kids to see the film so if anyone has any queries regarding using the leftover money to pay for the movies, please let me know. 
Here's a link to the trailer wonder if you'd like to see what the film will be about.  We all loved reading the book and look forward to a viewing of this new film!  Not your everyday school activity, but fun for sure. 

Have a great week everyone,


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